Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Costume

GUEEEEEESSSS what James is going to be this year? Garden Gnome Chomski, teheheheh. Making things from scratch is a bit of a challenge for me, but I dabble. Like cooking, my end result ofen varies from my original intention. This year for Halloween I had two ideas for costumes, but instead of making both for myself to wear on different nights I am making one of them for James! Also, I thought that he would look cute as a button dressed up like a garden gnome.

The first thing I made was this super sweet beard. Originally I was going to cut out a felt shaped beard and then sew on a bunch of threads or cotton balls. After I wandered into a local crafting shop I discovered some cheap mohair and a enthusiastic crafter. Fifteen minutes later I'm equipped with a huge needle and a free demo on felting. 

Two days later and I've created a soft beard, a gnome hat, and the sick nastiest gnome costume ever.

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