Sonja was getting cozy by the fireplace when I arrived; with tea mugs in hand we chatted, got warm, and reminisced. Our time was cut short due to previous engagements so I continued my journey and she continued on her day. Heading away from her I was stalled by an extremely long train.
Instead of waiting for this monstrosity to pass( and to escape the continuous ding), I waited until it slowed to s screeching halt and tromped right over the thing. With traffic and a train behind me I ventured through Ladd's addition towards my final destination. Always loving Ladds I skipped through alley ways and found foragable edibles!
Look Closely Now.
Those are kiwis! I tried to pick one but they were hard as stone, just like the last time I found a kiwi vine in southeast. Any who, after pocketing some figs I exited Ladd's and got an exciting call that jessir would be at stina's house for my last stop.
Tea and cupcakes began and ended my venture. On was vegan and the other was from a vegan. Stina, jessir and I talked and laughed at eachother and promised that we would meet latter for even more dessert with those unfortunate souls who couldn't be a part of my magical journey.
All in all, this was one the best birthday ideas I may have ever had. I really do cherish the one on one time I get with those I love and it seems more and more difficult to get that as time goes on and we all get busier. From this birthday walk I have learned to appreciate the serenity and friendship that a single cup of tea can reinforce.